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Mission Ecuador

This year, the profits from our Give Different t-shirts are being directed to a very special community of indigenous people in Ecuador. Throughout the year, many families become acutely aware of the needy. Often people will give items to help others who have had a difficult year.


But what if the greatest need is not for a handout but a hand up? Feeding a family today is a good thing. But helping a family feed themselves for the rest of the year is an even better thing. Going on a mission trip to build houses is a good thing. Investing long term in communities to help them rise above dependency is a better thing.


Amor Ecuador is about investing in young people who are longing for an opportunity for a better life. The indigenous people of Ecuador live on the margins of society – poor housing conditions, inferior public education and subsistence living. Amor Ecuador is looking to change that by bringing churches and communities together in Ecuador to invest in the education of indigenous youth.


Studies around the world have shown that the best ticket out of a life of poverty is a good education. So Springcreek Church along with national Ecuadorian Churches under the stewardship of World Vision are all working together to make the dream of a brighter future a reality for hundreds of youth. We hope you will join us in this wonderful cause.

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